
Monday, September 13, 2010

You Might Have to Excuse Me

I have a headache.  It's been here pretty much all day and is in full swing right now.  So, if I am not making much sense, that's because my brains are having a hard time conversing with each other.  There is just too much arguing going on in there.  I am sitting here with a vanilla coke in hopes that that will take the headache down a notch or two.

Other than the headache, it was a good weekend.  I know that most of you probably spent yesterday 9-11 in some form of remember the day from 2001.  And it does come to mind here in our house.  I remember very distinctly what I was doing and the events of those days.  But, in our house September 11 is a day of celebration.  It's our anniversary.  We celebrated 17 years together. 

And so that day is full of two types of memories.  The ones of getting ready for a wedding - that include ironing one of my brothers shirts, while in my wedding dress and burning my arm in the process.  I can't be trusted with an iron on a normal day, who on earth thought I could it on that day?  Oh yeah, that was me.  I volunteered to iron his shirt.

And memories of my mother calling me early in the morning.  Earlier than most would dare call me - for I was very far from a morning person at that time.  And asking me if I had the TV on.  Which I thought was a very strange question.  Of course it was on, it had Blue's Clues on.  She insisted that I turned on the news because something had happened to the Pentagon.  You see growing up in the Washington DC area, it was the Pentagon that really struck home to us in the first hours of that day.

So we spend the day remembering the good times and celebrating that which we do have to celebrate.

I hope that everyone had a good weekend out there and celebrated in your own way as well.

And on a great note,  on Friday I received some fun stamping goodies.  This means I can finish up creating the last two projects for the upcoming Christmas Class.  There are only three spots left.  Hurry and sign up if you are interested in coming!

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