
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Normally this cute little snowman is as close as you will get me to snow, or even cold weather.  And for me cold weather is anything below 80 degrees.  Well, today it was well below 80 degrees here.  What a windy and cold day.  So, if I have to endure the cold here, I might as well enjoy looking at this totally cute snowman.  Don't you think?

This card was created by Jamie S.  Thanks for sharing such a cutie with us!  Card is using the stamp set - A Cute Christmas and Candy Cane Christmas Designer Series Paper - all from Stampin' Up!

Monday, November 29, 2010

100 Years - Music Monday

So, I spent some time in my car this long weekend doing a bit of driving.  That is when I spend most of my time listening to music.  As much as I love music and am completely inspired by it, it's not on at home all that much.  My "day" job keeps my ears occupied and unable to listen to what I would like to.  And then when the family is home, the music just doesn't really get put on very often.  So, when I drive, it is on all the time.  It's like my little sanctuary on wheels.  I love it. 

While driving during this past weekend, a favorite song came on.  You know, I love those songs that just blow you away - that give you goosebumps.  And that can give you those goosebumps time and time again.  Well, this is one of those songs.  And, even better, it really makes you think.  And I love that.

This weeks Music Monday pick is 100 Years by Five for Fighting.  Enjoy.

And after you have listened to this weeks pic at the right under the Monday Music Pick of the Week section, enjoy this card created by my good friend Amy Smith.  I love the color combination - beautiful.  Thanks Amy for sharing this with me.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

On this evening, before we celebrate Thanksgiving, I want to say thank you for your support and for coming here to see what I am up to.  I appreciate the visits and the comments and am glad we have this experience to share.   Thank you.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Countdown to Turkey (and Ham) Is On

Can you believe it's just a few more days until we are enjoying our Thanksgiving Day?  Hopefully you all have plans to share this day with loved ones in whatever traditional activities you enjoy. 

I'm sorry to say that at this point, I am unable to add pictures to my post.  I was already to share another fall type card with you.  I guess it will have to wait until tomorrow.  Sorry.  Check back again tomorrow for more creations.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fall Foliage and Some Great Offers

We don't get much of that here, where I live.  The changing of the fall leaves.  I do miss seeing those amazing colors in the trees, but I do not miss what follows that - snow.  Brrr!  Makes me cold just thinking about it.  I guess it's a good thing that I can stamp fall foliage to get those beautiful colors.

This is a card that I received in a swap.  And because the card is not labeled, and my memory is not what it used to be, I cannot give credit to the wonderful stamper that created this card.  Sorry.  If you know who this card is by - please let me know so that I can give it a name!

I love the colors in this card!

Stamp Set:  French Foliage
Paper:  Peach Parfait card stock, Autumn Spice DSP, Concord Crush, Old Olive
Ink:  Concord Crush, Old Olive, Peach Parfait
Accessories:  Concord Crush, 1/2" Stitched Poly Ribbon, Scallop Trim Border Punch

If you have not been to my website lately to check out the latest deals - you must go now!  There are three amazing offers going on right now for a limited time.

Online Spectacular!

For nine days only—November 22-30—get FREE SHIPPING on orders over $150! Plus you can save up to 50 percent off select Stampin’ Up!® products—including My Digital Studio software and Designer Fabric!

Visit my Online Store to see the complete list of discounted items.

50% Off Starter Kit Promotion

Join Stampin’ Up! between November 15-30 and get 50 percent off the already-low-priced Starter Kit—standard or Digital+! You’ll get over $300 worth of Stampin’ Up! products for just $87.50. Visit Start Your Own Business to learn more.

ABCs of the Perfect Handmade Holiday

From October 19-December 16, get 20 percent off holiday bundles containing gorgeous Stampin’ Up! products perfect for creating amazing cards, beautiful packaging, and cherished gifts.  Click Here to View Products.

Let me know if you have any questions at all.  I look forward to hearing from you all!

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Free Music Monday

The other morning, I was listening to my favorite morning radio show.  Johnjay and Rich.  I don't get to listen to them very often between getting as much work done in the early morning hours and getting my son ready for school, there just isn't time to listen.  Plus, now that I think about it, we don't even have just a regular radio anywhere in the house.  Strange.  We have lots of music options but they all use either CD's or iPod's.  There are two places I do listen to the radio - my car and very, very rarely on my computer. 

Anyway they do this bit called remember the time where they "mush" together ("mush" is their term for it, not mine) songs, movie and TV clips all together and a contestant has to guess what year it all happened.  Some of them are so easy, but most times it's pretty hard.

The other day, they did the year 1991 and a favorite song of mine, that I have not listened to in quite awhile was on it.  So, I immediately came home and played the song all the way through - a couple times - and knew right then and there that would be the pick for Music Monday.

The song is Freedom by George Michael. He had some really great hits in the late 80's early 90's after going solo.  And whatever your view on him and his personal life . . . the boy can sing.  So, be sure to click on the song in the Music Monday section to the right of the post.  And remember you have until next Monday to listen to it before it will be replaced with the next Music Monday pick.

Freedom (Cd Cover Artwork) by George Michael

Friday, November 19, 2010

Now, wait just a minute, we've already seen this before . . .

You're right you have.  This was featured a little bit ago.  A fun project to make.  And now it is time to put it to use.  But, first, I have to organize some things.  OH NO!  Do I really have to?

Well, yeah I do.  You see, there are three specific areas of my life that are going into that file organizer.  My creative endeavors - stamping and paper crafting; my photography bits & pieces - customer info, wonderful locations to photograph and visually inspiring items I have collected from magazines and books and cards and anywhere that I find visual stimulation (which is pretty much the entire world);  and then items that I would like to try out - cosmetic items, websites to visit and the like.  So far that is the beginning of the breakdown that I have come up with. 

I have been collecting papers, and more papers and more papers with ideas, and images and directions and all sorts of things that I desperately need to get organized.  And now, they have a place to call home.  Or at least very, very soon they will. 

As I sit here tonight, I have three piles of papers to sort through.  And those three piles have already been sorted once.  I have some really cute file folders that are just ready to be labeled, stuffed and put in the organizer. 

If only my eyelids could stay open just a little bit longer.  That will have to wait for another night.  Instead, I think I'm going to try to read one chapter in my book before calling it a night.

Goodnight everyone!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Little Over A Week

And we will be eating Turkey ( and hopefully ham - since it's more of a favorite of mine than Turkey).  Where on earth did this month go too?  And before we know it, we will be eating Turkey & Ham for Christmas!  Yikes!  Good thing I've already started my Christmas shopping, have you?  One of my hiding places is already full.

But before, I get ahead of myself, let's take a look at a wonderful Thanksgiving Card.  This was stamped by Jane Tellier.  Thanks for sharing such wonderful talent Jane!  Love the card!

Stamps:  Day of Gratitude
Card Stock: Confetti White, Cajun Craze, Crumb Cake, Old Olive, More Mustard, Early Espresso, Autumn Spice DSP
Ink:  Cajun Craze, Old Olive, More Mustard, Early Espresso
Accessories:  Pinking Hearts Punch, brads, dimensionals

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Magical Music Monday

It is only natural that I am dedicating this Music Monday to Harry Potter.  For a couple of reasons.  First of all, I just spent the last four days enjoying the marathon on ABC Family channel showing the first five movies.  I didn't watch them all in a row - and some of them I didn't even get to watch the entire movie of.  But that's okay, because I have seen them all before - many, many times.  And love them just as much this weekend as I did the first time watching them.  The newest installment hits the theaters this coming Friday and I know that is reason for the marathon.  I don't mind it one little bit.

Another reason for this choice - the original score for the Harry Potter movie is written by a man that has composed just about every memorable musical score for movies - at least in my opinion.  I have been a fan of his since I was a young child.  I am speaking of John Williams.  He has this amazing talent for writing music that helps to define certain characters or moments in those movies.  And every time you hear that particular grouping of notes, you are transformed to that moment or to remember that character.

If you are not familiar with his work - well I should say, if you don't think you are familiar with his work, let me give you some examples.  There are many more than this, I am naming the ones that were moments in my lifetime.

  • Jaws (1975)
  • Star Wars entire series
  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
  • Superman (1978)
  • The entire Indian Jones Series
  • E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
  • Presumed Innocent
  • Home Alone
  • Jurassic Park
  • Harry Potter 1, 2 and 3
  • The Terminal
  • The 1984 Summer Olympics

Just to mention a few.  Amazing body of works he has.  And, he tends to use some pretty unique instruments as main instruments - including one of my favorites, the French Horn.  Be sure to give a listen to Hedwig's Flight by John Williams on the Music Monday Pick of the Week area to the right before next Monday when it will be changed to another selection.

Coke & Books
 This photo was taken as an assignment for a photo class.  We had to work on a self portrait project.  Well, I do not like having my picture taken, so came up with an idea of placing a coke bottle in different situations in place of me.  This photo was taken to represent a favorite hobby of mine - reading.  And those are my Harry Potter books in the background.  At the time we were only up to number five - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

And on to the rest of the project

Here is the whole purpose of this two part project, my new desktop file folder sorter (thingie).

The finished project.

I finally found a home for my M.  Do you remember this?
I made it at the distressing class and have been waiting for just
the right piece to add it to.  Well here it is.  Love it!

An M with a knot.  How can you go wrong?

Gotta add some bling - pearls, chunky glitter and rhinestones
on buttons the perfect touch!

I just had to sneak in some purple!  Love it with these
wonderful metal accents.

Both finished projects.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

And for the smaller piece first

I can't wait to share these finished projects with you.  But, first I must talk.  Because that is who I am.  A talker. 

I've been looking for a way to organize some of my officey type items.  You know file folders and such.  I am in big need of organization.  That is not my strong suit at all.  I've decided that something that would really help me would be a stand, of sorts, to sit on my desk and hold some key file folders.  You know keep everything in one place but do it very stylishly.  I've been looking for months and nothing was really appealing to me - in my budget.  It's really hard to find anything other than those black plastic containers, silver mesh or faux leather.  And to me all of these say snoozeville. 

And then finally, I saw the one I wanted to get.  I mean it wasn't exactly what I wanted, but it was a good start.  A teal colored desktop file sorter!  I was out shopping for Halloween supplies and there it was - and on clearance no less!  It was my lucky day.  And then a few days later, I saw the cutest matching pencil holder - and it was on clearance also.  I must be doing something right!

Now, teal is not the first color of choice, but I knew that I could make it work.  All it needed was some Designer Paper and some embellishments and we would be in business.

I redid the pencil holder first.  It was smaller and easier to work with.  Whenever I am creating like this, I pull out all the supplies that I might possibly want to use on the project.  Set them all on my desk and then just start mixing and matching until I get it just right.  What do you think?  I absolutely love it!

Add a flower, a stamped tag, some bling and you are good to go!

I am loving the idea of adding Rhinestone or Pearl Jewels to
buttons.  It really jazzes them up.

A little personalized tag of black glitter attached with
black Shimmer Brads.

This was super fun to make.  After I completed the pencil cup, I was so ready to get going on the file folder organizer, but ran out of time for stamping.  That was the hardest part - waiting until the next day to get to work on it.

And because I took tons of pictures - well would you expect anything else?  - I'm going to share the rest of it tomorrow.

I hope you took some time to find some creativity in your day today!  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Do You Get When . . .

Question for the night:

What do you get when you add this . . .

And this . . .

With a little bit of this?
You get a whole lot of fun.  And a couple of projects that I will be sharing with you tomorrow.  I need more daylight to photograph the larger project properly so that you can really see what it is.  So, sorry, but you will just need to wait a bit longer.  Can you make it?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Secret Music Monday

It's not really a secret - the posting that is.  But the song is . . .

I love it when artists use instruments that are a little out of the norm for their style of music.  But yet do it in such a natural way.  That you would not imagine that instrument not being there.  I love when pop, or rock, bands use string instruments in their songs.  It add such a different element.  And today's band choice does it brilliantly.  Probably because every member of this band plays several different instruments.  They are extremely well rounded.

I have had this CD since it came out about a year ago.  And every so often I pull it out and enjoy listening to the great mixture of mellow melodies and songs that really get you inspired.  The band is One Republic, the song I'm choosing to share today is Secret and the CD I am referring to is Wake Up, their second CD that was released in 2009.  (Their debut CD, Dreaming Out Loud is fabulous too.  I recommend them both.)  I hope that you will enjoy it.

Be sure to listen to the song on the Music Monday Pick of the Week section on the right.

It was a pretty busy weekend.  Lots of fun family activities including a fund raiser at my son's school and a visit to the State Fair.  I spent most of Sunday taking it easy and even got to watch an entire football game.  That was nice.  And it felt good to be a bit "lazy" for a day.  You need those every so often. 

And in honor of taking an easy day, I thought I would share with you two other loves of mine - my photography and one of my beagles.  Hope you have a great Monday!

The Guard

Saturday, November 6, 2010

And here it is . . . A Little Joy

So, I'm hoping that you don't hate me too much for my little tease yesterday.  And hopefully it was well worth the wait for here is the finished project.

My tabletop Joy display.

I initially planned on making it all red, black and vanilla.  But once I got started, I really liked the idea of sticking with just black and vanilla with some sparkle added in.  A little bit of ribbon, glitter, silver and pearls.  All the things any crafting girl needs to have on hand.

 I love all the textures here.  From the chunky glitter to the embossed card stock (from the Big Shot - lovin' it!) to the ribbon.

And for the O I just felt like a lot of circles were in order.  The ribbon slide and the 3 black brads were just the perfect items to add on here.

And the Y was a little trickier so I decided on a "dot" at the end, made out of paper flower, button and some pearls for the center of that flower.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my Joy project as much as I enjoyed making it.  Happy crafting everyone!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Don't tell Santa but . . .

I'm feeling a little naughty.  This is a family show, so let's not go there, but I am going to be teasing you a little.  Or, I guess I should say I am going to be giving you a tease in just a moment. 

But first, a little bit about my week so far . . .

After my super busy end of the week last week, which kept me very busy over Halloween weekend and still on Monday (something that does not make this Halloween crazy girl all to excited - to be super busy during that time).  I am so happy to say that things seem to have settled down - like totally.  Of course I did just jinx myself.  But it would seem that I have gotten a pretty good handle on my new work load for my "day" job and have actually had an opportunity to get some other, more fun projects going.  Some have just been started, some are in the thinking stages and some are actually completed.  And I am very pleased with the outcome of the completed one. 

You know, there is nothing more satisfying than feeling like you have accomplished something during the day.  And still have energy left over for some reading before your eyes are just begging you to go to sleep!  And what is even better is that I accomplished several things that I enjoy doing.  I have completed all work for my "day" job in a very timely manner - yeah!  I worked on some photos for the week, processing and have even booked a family portrait session with two other inquiries on the table - double yeah!  And I crafted a fun Christmas project that I really look forward to displaying in my house - triple yeah!

And so now for the tease . . . I am going to share the Christmas project . . . well sort of . . .

Do you remember me talking about going shopping and to lunch with my friend Diana?  Well, she is such a wonderful crafter and very inspiring.  I love checking out her projects and seeing what she is up to.  (And love sharing caramel apple pies that almost set off the smoke alarms at the restaurant.)  We went to a local craft store.  Dare I say where?  Sure why not.  We went to Michael's.  She was looking for a specific frame for a project she was going to be working on - and I will be making a little bit later too (so check back for that beauty!)  Anyway while there, we saw these totally cute place card holders.  You know for putting on your table to let people know where to sit?  Well, c'mon, I live the in the Southwest, we don't get that formal here.  So, we decided on another use for these totally cute decorative items.  And that is where the tease comes in.  I'm going to show you what I used to create mine . . . and then tomorrow you will get to see the finished product.  I know, I'm totally mean, but you still love me anyway don't you?

A closeup look at one of three place card holders

The set as they came right out of the box.

Does this inspire you?
So, I started pulling out embellishment items that I would like to possibly use on this project.  Most of them did not get used, but that does not mean they did not help to inspire me.  Any guesses as to which products got used and which ones did not?  I'm not telling.  But, be sure to check back tomorrow and see the finished project for yourself.  See you then . . . for I am off to read for a bit before I go to sleep!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Another Holiday Card to Get You Inspired

Another wonderful card from Amy.  I love the change from "traditional" Christmas colors.  I love the pop of red with the black, gray and white.  Really puts your focus on those ice skaters.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's Never Too Early

It's Never Too Early to start planning for your Christmas Cards.  And so I thought today I would share a totally cute card that I got to make at my friend Amy's house.  So simple and yet really cute!  Thanks for the great idea - and for letting me stamp it at your house.

Be sure to mark down November 11 and 13 for my upcoming Christmas Card Class.  We will be making projects using the Deck the Hall Designer Paper in the Holiday Mini Catalog.  Can't wait to see you there!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Time to get Caught Up!

My oh my . . . I am so sorry it's been a long time since posting.  And hopefully it won't be this long again!  As I believe I've mentioned before, my "day" job was a little overwhelming this past weekend.  And I am very happy to say that I am all caught up.   Well, with my work that is.  Now to get caught up on all the pictures I took over the past week or so and get caught up on posting and such as well.

But, before all the madness took place, I actually had scheduled a day off from work for some much needed girls time.  I met up with Diana for a day of light shopping and lunch.  She had been telling me about this really yummy Mexican restaurant for like weeks, maybe months.  And so we made the plans to meet up there.  She had some errands to do and I joined her for those as well - I mean after all they were fun shopping errands.  And one of them included a stop at Best Buy for some camera supplies..  That's always fun for me. 

And, as usual, we were so busy having fun that I totally forgot to get out my camera and take any pictures . . . that is until this:

But, don't let me get ahead of myself.  We made it to the Mexican Restaurant - Cantina.  It was so yummy!  They make guacamole - one of my favorites - right there at your table for you.  It was fab!  I could have stopped there.  I did however force myself to eat my wonderful avocado and artichoke enchilada.  My mouth is watering just remembering it.  And then for the best, we decided to split a desert - an apple pie that they fix right there at the table.  YUM!  Although it did smell as if the butter was burning a little bit, and we were a little afraid that the smoke alarms were gonna go off with all the smoke pouring off the dish, but it was very very good.  And we enjoyed every single morsel.  Here's a couple more fun pics for ya'!

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