
Monday, November 22, 2010

A Free Music Monday

The other morning, I was listening to my favorite morning radio show.  Johnjay and Rich.  I don't get to listen to them very often between getting as much work done in the early morning hours and getting my son ready for school, there just isn't time to listen.  Plus, now that I think about it, we don't even have just a regular radio anywhere in the house.  Strange.  We have lots of music options but they all use either CD's or iPod's.  There are two places I do listen to the radio - my car and very, very rarely on my computer. 

Anyway they do this bit called remember the time where they "mush" together ("mush" is their term for it, not mine) songs, movie and TV clips all together and a contestant has to guess what year it all happened.  Some of them are so easy, but most times it's pretty hard.

The other day, they did the year 1991 and a favorite song of mine, that I have not listened to in quite awhile was on it.  So, I immediately came home and played the song all the way through - a couple times - and knew right then and there that would be the pick for Music Monday.

The song is Freedom by George Michael. He had some really great hits in the late 80's early 90's after going solo.  And whatever your view on him and his personal life . . . the boy can sing.  So, be sure to click on the song in the Music Monday section to the right of the post.  And remember you have until next Monday to listen to it before it will be replaced with the next Music Monday pick.

Freedom (Cd Cover Artwork) by George Michael

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