
Friday, November 19, 2010

Now, wait just a minute, we've already seen this before . . .

You're right you have.  This was featured a little bit ago.  A fun project to make.  And now it is time to put it to use.  But, first, I have to organize some things.  OH NO!  Do I really have to?

Well, yeah I do.  You see, there are three specific areas of my life that are going into that file organizer.  My creative endeavors - stamping and paper crafting; my photography bits & pieces - customer info, wonderful locations to photograph and visually inspiring items I have collected from magazines and books and cards and anywhere that I find visual stimulation (which is pretty much the entire world);  and then items that I would like to try out - cosmetic items, websites to visit and the like.  So far that is the beginning of the breakdown that I have come up with. 

I have been collecting papers, and more papers and more papers with ideas, and images and directions and all sorts of things that I desperately need to get organized.  And now, they have a place to call home.  Or at least very, very soon they will. 

As I sit here tonight, I have three piles of papers to sort through.  And those three piles have already been sorted once.  I have some really cute file folders that are just ready to be labeled, stuffed and put in the organizer. 

If only my eyelids could stay open just a little bit longer.  That will have to wait for another night.  Instead, I think I'm going to try to read one chapter in my book before calling it a night.

Goodnight everyone!

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