
Friday, September 10, 2010

I Am A....

(Gasp!) Blogger!  When did this happen?  How did this happen?

I've been rethinking things a bit here and came to the realization that I am a blogger.  Never in a million years did I think that would happen.  But here I am.  And what's even better, I actually enjoy it.  So much so that I have a couple blogs going.  That's right more than one.  What on earth am I thinking?

A little background.

I also realized that I started this blog and sent out an email to friends and family telling them to check it out.  Well, I have others that have been viewing this sight, coming to see my stamping samples and such.  And so I thought, well maybe I should introduce myself a little more.  Would you like that?  Maybe get to know the person putting these posts out there.  So, I think it only logical to start at the beginning.  Not the very beginning . . . I was born blah, blah, blah.  But at the blogging beginning.

I have been blogging for just over two years now.  I started a blog for my family.  Well, more specifially for my in-laws to see what was going on with our lives.  To be able to watch their grandson grow up.  To see what kind of activities he was into and such.  And I have been posting on that sight ever since.  It's personal and for close family and friends.  It's been very fun to look back over the past few years on that blog.

At the same time I started blogging my photography work.  And have since launched my own website for photography work and blog.  And that has taken on a life of it's own but is all about photography stuff and how it relates to everything in my life. 

And that leads me to this new blog.  I started it to be about everything in my stamping life - since I have just recently become a Stampin' Up! demonstrator again.  I was one for over eight years and took two years off.  And this July became one again.  But, that didn't feel quite right to me.  I mean, I do want to have a place to share my stamping ideas and creations, but I would like it to be more than that.

And so here I am.  After almost two months of blogging here at Melz Place, I am changing it up a bit.  I want this to be a place that I can share all my creative endeavors, my thoughts and finds in this world that we all live in.  To - Embrace Life Through Creativity.

I hope that you will enjoy this new change.  Because it's all just a journey and a learning experience.

And so I will begin with something that makes everyone just a little happier!  GLITTER.  Doesn't adding a little sparkle to your day make things just that much better?  I think so.  If you don't agree with me, or understand what on earth I'm talking about than I say to you - TRY IT!  Sprinkle a little glitter on something and then try to tell me that it didn't make you smile at least just a little bit.

This is Stampin' Up!'s new Silver Glass Glitter. It's chunkier than other glitter. Has a little more substance to it. It is in the new Winter Mini Catalog and available until January 3, 2011.

Here it is on some black circles.  Totally Glitterlicious!

And, so I leave you for today.  Until tomorrow...


Diana Gibbs said...

OMG! That picture is so cute...I love the hair!!

Love ya,

Mel said...


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