
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Two of my Favorite Things . . . and then one more!

What a crazy busy day - but what an awesome one!  I got to do two things that I absolutely love!  How can you go wrong there?

My day started nice and smooth.  I was up and getting things done earlier than I needed to and that makes for a happy me.  Then, due to a communication issue, I was suddenly an hour behind.  Oops!  I hate being late.  But, what I was late for was a good thing.  I was taking my oldest brother's family pictures.  I got there at about 8:40 in the morning.  And already it was hot.  I finished up all the photos in about an hour.  Really, I was doing my best to get them done before we all melted.  I haven't had a chance to look them over yet, but hopefully there are some fun ones in there.

After that I had to do my "day" job.  I work at home, so really I cannot complain.  I get to work at my own pace and schedule for the most part.  There are some parameters that I must follow, but really it's not bad.

Just before I sat down on my computer just now, I spent the past hour or so stamping.  My husband and son are outside getting some much needed yard work done and I was informed that that would make a great time to get some stamping in.  You don't have to tell me twice.  I jumped right on that.  I was feeling a little bummed because I hadn't had a chance to get to my stamp desk for a couple days.  So, it was a good day all around!

And since today was a double good day for me, the item I have chosen to share with you combines these two things - and another "thing" that I love.  I made this a few years ago and so some of the items have retired and are no longer available, but you will get the idea and hopefully be inspired nonetheless.

This used to sit on my desk. It's fun to look at. I have moved it to rest on my dry erase board for the moment, or until I can find another place for it. Don't you just love all the attitude in the last picture. He is definitely my child. I can't get mad at him for all that attitude because I know exactly where he gets it from!

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