
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Favorite Find - Facial Cleanser

Okay, it's been a little bit since I shared a Favorite Find.  And I have been wanting to share this for one for a couple weeks.  I am in love with this cleanser, and for several reasons.  So, here they are . . .

It's so easy to use!  Let's be honest here, if cleaning my face in the morning or the evening takes a gazillion steps, well I'm just not that committed.  I mean, it shouldn't be that complicated to clean the makeup off my face, should it?  So, I was reading an article about this cleanser by L'Oreal, the go 360 Clean and I had a coupon and thought I'd give it a whirl.  And I am so glad that I did.  Like I said, it's so easy to use.  I keep mine right outside my shower and use it in the morning.  It comes with a built in "scrubber".

Except the scrubber is made out of rubber.  It's so gentle on my face.  I get the scrubber wet, dab a little drop of the cleanser on the scrubber and apply it to my face in gentle circular motions.

And a pleasant little surprise is the aroma.  There are several different varieties to choose from and I picked citrus.  I'm not sure why because I'm not a citrusy person.  I love orange blossoms.

They smell so good (even though they drive my allergies crazy) and they are truly beautiful.  But I knew when I bought this that they were referring to the citrus scent as in oranges.  And that I am not particularly crazy about.  Well, here's the surprise part, that citrus scent is actually very invigorating and dare I say stimulating in the morning.  I find that it really perks me right up and gets my day started out quite nicely.

Now, I'm sure you are thinking . . . well that's all great and dandy, but how does it perform?  I am here to tell you that within a week of using this product, I have noticed a change in my skin.  It is much smoother, and the pores across my nose and into my cheeks appear to be much smaller. 

I am sold.  And you don't use very much so one bottle will last you for some time. 

And that is today's Favorite Find.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I love reading your favorite finds. I'm going o have to try this. I don't use a facial cleanser (I'm like you, I don't like steps), but I've been thinking maybe I should. So I think I'll have to try this!

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