Or at least off the list! Woohoo! It feels so good to be taking things off that "To Make" list I started the other day.
Today, it was making these really fun home decor items. And please don't hate me, but I cannot share them yet. I'm giving them to my family this year for their Christmas gifts. And since I do have some family members as readers, I just cannot bring myself to share them with you. I will however share it before the holidays are over!
I "borrowed" the idea from Diana, who "borrowed" the idea from Tiffany, I think? I'm hoping I got the name right. Sorry if I did not. And, I have to tell you, it was so much easier to make than I thought it might be. I completed five projects tonight in less than an hour. And the best part, I was able to work on it at the kitchen table with the rest of the family there as well. So, I wasn't holed up in my craft room working away. It was nice.
And since I cannot share that project, I thought I would share some pieces of another holiday project I've been working on this month.
Round and Round |
The Face |
I also have a website for my photography work and this year have vowed to create and present holiday themed images during December. I have been having a really great time shooting and working on these images, and thought you might enjoy seeing what else I do with my time. If you like what you see,
visit my photosite and sign up for the daily photo email.
Well, this girl is going to bed to get some reading before it's lights out. Feeling pretty tired from all the fun work today - and really, I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings - and how many more items I get to cross off that list!